I have some customers that simply enjoy the peace of mind knowing that I can log into their computer and perform weekly scans, maintenance, and updates. Even though there are many programs that claim to do this for the customer, the truth is, many of these types of software can cause problems with the registry and drivers on a computer, as well as place ad-ware or tracking on the computer that the client is completely unaware of. It takes experience to know which software is legitimate and if that software is designed to NOT create bigger problems on their personal computer. Also, the companies will try to sell their biggest and most expensive software that has extra options that an individual will never use, so it only serves to overburden their computer and slow them down to a crawl with NO added benefit while, of course, digging into the unwitting customer. For my customers that need remote service from a neighbor they can trust, I have the ability to log into their computer and perform maintenance, or answer their questions. Some of my clients prefer the remote style of working with me and they know that they aren’t trusting a stranger halfway around the world to login and potentially take over their computer.
Weekly Scans